Michigan Sustainability Applications for Aerospace Vehicle Engineering is a project team at the University of Michigan started by passionate aerospace students that care about sustainability and humanitarian aerospace missions. Our mission is to improve the human condition through targeted application of aerospace vehicles and engineering. We are an interdisciplinary student project team which was established in January 2021
because a group of students saw a gap in humanitarian driven projects at the university. Our team is passionate about engineering for the greater good and also DEI in STEM fields. We are currently working on a Humanitarian UAV Mission (HUM) and previously completed a Wheelchair Accessibility Mission (WAM).
Humanitarian UAV Mission
M-SAAVE HUM is partnered with Air Serv International, a non-profit humanitarian relief org based out of sub-Saharan Africa. Airserv provides aviation services including transportation of goods, medical supplies, and relief workers. Airserv is also involved in medical evacuations and repatriating displaced persons.
In partnership with Airserv, we hope to expand their reach into unmanned operations by delivering an aerial vehicle capable of humanitarian aid missions. Our aircraft is equipped with an airdrop payload delivery to supply medical supplies and food, and a mapping payload for aerial surveillance in disaster management.
Our Faculty Advisors
Our Faculty Advisors and were integral members in the creation of M-SAAVE. The team would not have been founded without their assistance and direction on team mission, project goals, and resource management. They also worked to secure M-SAAVE's relationship with the FXB Flight Institute, whom we are proudly sponsored by.
Get Involved!
Come to our meetings! We welcome new members at any point. There is no application process or member requirements!
Full Team Meetings F25:
​Sundays 2-4pm @ FXB 1024
Wednesdays 6-8pm @ CSRB 2230 (CAEN Lab)
Thank you to our Sponsors!

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please email: msaave.recruiting@umich.edu or fill out the form to the right
Social Media
Instagram: @msaave_umich
LinkedIn: Link to M-SAAVE Page
Contact Us